I can’t believe I’m up to day 9 already! I decided last Tuesday to compete in the triathlon and here I am a week later, and STILL feeling motivated (surprise surprise!). I decided to do my 2.5km run in intervals, rather than trying what I know I’m not yet capable of – running the entire […]
Exercise can HURT!
OMG I cannot believe how much my calf muscles hurt! This was all caused by the Wii Active that Jason bought me for Christmas. I told him that the Wii Fit Plus was too easy and to get me something harder. Weeellll… it’s harder all right! I thought I was being “smart” when I chose […]
My triathlon training continues!
Day 6 it is! On Saturday morning my husband and I went for a ride. We rode for a little over 13km and we averaged 24km per hour. We did this in around 34 minutes. It’s not an ideal time, but hey – we’re only in week 1! On Sunday I swam 300m and did […]
Day 3 of training for my triathlon
I did another 20 minutes on the bike this morning and my butt isn’t as sore as it has been, so things are looking up! I won’t be doing any running at lunch time today because I have a date with the girls! After my workout this morning I was going to weigh myself but […]
Is Your Weight Loss Goal Compelling Enough?
I started this website a long time ago with the intention of documenting my progress as I worked towards achieving the body I wanted, but time and time again I’ve “given up”. As a qualified life coach, I understand the power of a compelling goal, but sometimes it’s harder to see things for what they […]
Make time to do what you need to do
I have learned the hard way that if you don’t make the time to exercise, you won’t get the time. What happens? Well, you end up in that rut you’ve been in for months or even years! What many women fail to realise is that by looking after themselves, they’re also doing something for their […]