Here in Australia Easter Sunday is the day we traditionally give and receive our Easter eggs.
We all know that Easter means chocolate and usually lots of it, so here’s my tip on how to stay on track this Easter.
If you have been following any quality program, you will know that you’re allowed some “cheat meals” each week.
A smart person would be setting aside some of these “cheat meals” to include a little bit of an indulgence!
Now, even though these are called “cheat” meals, it’s easy to get carried away, so here’s what I do:
If I am given a huge Easter egg, I break it up into smaller pieces and put it in the refrigerator. When I feel like some chocolate I’ll only grab a couple of pieces (enough to stop the cravings!) and eat those.
I have a thing for Ferrero Rochers – they’re my absolute favourite. Yep, I will definitely have too many tomorrow, but for the rest of the week, I will put one (or two) in with my lunch to take to work and that will do me.
I’ve heard so many stories of people who intend to have “just one”, but end up eating the entire packet of whatever it is.
The only way to avoid this is either to not have that bad food in your house, or only take out what you want and leave the rest in the cupboard or refrigerator.